Wednesday 2 January 2013

Tattoo Troubles

Tattoo's are a big decision, especially since you will have it for the rest of your life. I've currently been looking through pictures of other peoples tattoo's for inspiration about what to get...

They seem to have become more like an fashion accessory rather than something that is special and personal to you, which is a bit of a shame, however I still think that tattoo's are a great thing, even if you are just 'following a trend'!

I've also been trying to decide WHERE to have a tattoo.
I quite like the idea of getting one on your wrist, however that is meant to be the most painful place to get one and I'm not sure I could cope with that much pain, haha. I guess you also have to decide if you want to see it or not, for instance, on your arm or on the back of your neck. 

Also how big do you get it? 
I kind of like the idea of having a smallish tattoo, rather than a big tattoo, because it would be more difficult to cover, especially if you get one of your hand or arm where you may have to cover it up for work purposes. However, big tattoo's also look really good. 

There are so many questions! Decisions, decisions!


  1. Tattoos are great, I have quite a few but I urge you to be very careful about what you choose!
    When I went to Thailand in 2007 I decided to get what they call a 'tramp stamp' between the two dimples on my back.
    Not only was it for an ex boyfriend, (our favorite numbers put together,) but after getting it I also discovered that it was a symbol of a very rough sex gang in South Africa, where I stay!!!
    Needless to say I was too afraid to wear a bikini for months on end until it was covered up and please note that I mentioned EX....
    Not my brightest of moments!

    Welcome to the blog world!

    1. Wow sounds like you've had plenty of experience with tattoos!
      Thanks for the advice! :-)

  2. I agree with you about them being more of an accessory and I love the quotes youve chosen, although I think they can suit people, I would be too scared of the pain haha :( Have an amazing new year


    1. Haha I know right! Too much pain!
      Thank you, have an amazing new year too :) xx

  3. I am thinking about getting a tattoo (after being so anti-tattoo) but am having to think long and hard about it, as you've said - they're forever. I love the couple you've shown here. The Mind/Matter one is y favourite.

    Rebecca @

    1. It is such a big decision! I've been thinking about getting one about 5 months now and still cannot decide!
      Thank you!xx

  4. Love the types of tattoo's you have chosen
    can you follow me please and check out my blog thanks

  5. I love tattoos too and as you said it'is a big decision because it's for the rest of your life but if it has a meaning it's all worth it.
    Thanks for the follow

  6. I personally LOVE tattoos and have 6, all with different meanings! As for the wrist being the most painful place to have it.. I can assure you it really doesn't hurt, I have two on my wrist (a fairly large one and a small one) and they were nothing on my other tattoos. Definitely my least painful tattoos!

    Thanks for checking out my blog, I am not following you too! Lovely blog :) xx

    1. That's cool I really like wrist tattoo's! :-)

  7. I'm a tattoo lover. both on myself and others. I just find them so attractive. my first tattoo at 18 was a small swallow on the inside of my wrist and for me it didn't hurt much at all - felt more like someone dragging a pen across my wrist.
    i also have others on the inside of my arm which were virtually painless (i maybe slightly exaggerating there, but lets just say i wasn't put off).

    pain-wise, the one on my foot (across the front from little toe and up across ankle bone) was the worst. i can hide that one the easiest, if necessary, but ouch seriously.

    i would definitely agree about knowing exactly what you want before you go ahead. don't pick something off the wall either, you want it to be unique and personal to you. or else, go for something really classic that you wouldn't regret e.g. i have some classic red roses that i'll love no matter what.

    i agree with you that they seem more of a fashion accessory now. be careful of getting addicted too! i know i am.

    followed :)

    catt xx

    p.s. thanks for the lovely comment on my blog.

    1. Aw thank you so much for this comment!
      and you're welcome beaut! xx

  8. I'm considering a small tattoo as well! I'd like one on my wrist or on my hip!

  9. I love both of my tattoos, and before getting them I played around with drawing them up on my body so I would see how much I'd like them, perhaps you could do that?
    As for size too small and it will all shrink up and look squished when you get older, I'd trust your artist on size because they know best.
    And the pain, I found my one on my shoulder hurt so bad I almost passed out but my ribs were fine, I think the problem was that I got really worked up about the pain for my first one and didn't eat anything. So eat a good meal, have quite a bit of sugar in you and then just try to focus on something else like chat to the tattooist and such and don't get yourself worried or worked up about the pain :)
    I can't wait to see what you decide to get. :) xx
